Would you like to know more about TechRules?

Being a leading company in financial solutions and having been on the scene for more than 20 years in Europe and Latin America in a highly competitive market are some of the characteristics that define TechRules. But behind our robust APIs and advanced technological solutions there is a team and a company made up of people with first and last names.


The arrival of Covid-19 has meant that precisely this team has been more than ever making an effort to digitize all the productive processes of our clients and financial entities in order to make them able to keep working with the pandemia. A digitalizations that has arrived to stay and  that we already had implemented thanks to being a company with an international presence in which we have not reduced our agreements and new clients, but continue to grow. An opportunity to more than demonstrate what we are capable of and what we have accomplished, making our clients achieve a more human and close relationship with their users through new communication technologies in a period of high economic uncertainty worldwide. 


 But this is something that we did not get from one day to another. From TechRules´ insides we have been always working to get excellents results for our clientes, offering them a sustained ROI,  and also taking care of generating a nice work environment in which every member of the team feels like an indispensable piece of the company´s engine, that encourages employees to keep growing. This is what gives us an unique personality, in which sustainability has been one of our keys to success. 


And it is not surprising that many of us have been with the company for more than a decade, involved in a robust and stable team that, above all, knows how to work hand in hand to achieve whatever objective we set for ourselves. Seniority and specialization is one of our main characteristics. We also have been enforcing our relationship with customers during all these years giving them the possibility to migrate their solutions whenever they have needed it. Robust APIs, R&D, development, data quality, infrastructure or S&M departments are one of the  reasons we have been in the scene for this long. 


The sustainability that defines us makes us want to leave a positive footprint in the communities and regions in which we carry out our activity. That is why we like to involve our team in the social projects in which we participate, such as our collaboration against cancer or “Saving to learn”, a cooperation program in Latin America in which saving tools are delivered to vulnerable communities so that they can learn to manage their wealth and be self-sufficiency.


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