TechRules with Ucrania

Ukraine is facing what probably is the biggest migration crisis of the 21st century. Millions of Ucranians have had to leave their country because of the  Russian invasion and at TechRules we have decided to play our part.


Help in Action, NGOs with which TechRules has been years collaborating in several projects around the world, is participating in a platform formed by 8 European organizations (Alliance 2015) that is taking actions in Ukraine and remotely to coordinate all the humanitarian help, for now essential for the Ukrainian people. 



More than 27.600 people will benefit from the actions coordinated by this group that has 250 workers on field, that are also making strategic alliances with local organizations, key for the delivery of products coming from all over the world. 


This alliance between organizations is allowing not only food delivery and basic goods but the improvement of other essential aspects to guarantee the wellness of the people displaced. In some centers, small rehabilitations have taken place to improve the quality of living, such as basic sanitation of water facilities and the repair of heat systems. 



Due to the bombing and siege of several Ukranian cities, almost 3 million people have no acces to water. Help in Action with Alliance 15 is delivering drinking water to more than 15.000 people.


We know that in this kind of situation, all help is little and from TechRules we have collaborated for these organizations to keep having supplies and resources to help the most vulnerable people of this terrible conflict. 

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