Gaming and Learning Solution draws attention of the Belgian Financial Industry

TechRules and Mediafin in Belgium have launched a new edition of the ‘Rallye Boursier’ after the success of the first edition in 2017.


This gamification initiative for the financial industry allows new and experienced investors to simulate a real investment experience in a real-time platform. The contest will be active from November 19th, 2018 to January 25, 2019 and has more than 14.000 participants.


The game pretends to show investors the experience of using a digital platform for their investments without having any financial risk.


What will competitors find?


  • More than 300 stocks available from the Brussels, Amsterdam, Paris and New York stock markets.
  • 50 different mutual funds.
  • 10 weeks period to negotiate their portfolio assets to get the best performance.
  • A €10,000 award for the best performer.


A platform built on an API structure in order to simplify the integration process and improve the communication between the investment platform and the financial newspapers (L’echo and De Tijd).Thanks to its flexibility, competitors will be able to:


  • Enjoy the investment platform with several easy technical analysis tools and figures.
  • Get relevant news and daily updates about specific companies and markets.
  • Other features that will improve the investor experience, as tips from gurus for beginners and advanced investors, daily quizes and special interviews.



Simple follow-up


The platform was design following a digital investment-journey to make it as simple as possible so investors can have access in one or two clicks to:


  • A performance’s overview of the portfolio.
  • An interactive view of top and bottom performing assets.
  • Transaction history.
  • Asset distribution by type, currency and category of the asset.
  • And to trade any of the assets available.


More competitive, more engagement


To keep investor engage with the contest, The platform allows to keep track of their ranking and how is evolving, that way investors will have a more competitive attitude and engagement with the game, as they will constantly look on ways to scale up on the ranking, also it will make the overall contest more transparent as everyone will be able to see how the rest of the participants is performing and what assets they have used in their investment portfolio.


Both leading financial media L’echo and De Tijd will promote investment inspiration and guide competitors into making the best decisions for their portfolio through technology. With innovation as core value, TechRules is constantly looking at technology as the main tool to transform the financial industry.

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